SDPPI Product Testing
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Trusted, Delivering High-Quality Service And The Best Solutions with Competitive Prices​

PT. ALPHA ROMEO TEKNOLOGI has a team of experts with over ten years of experience in Type Approval, SDPPI registration, and import permits. We will help your company in obtaining Type Approval, SDPPI certificate, SNI certificate, and import permits with high-quality service and a competitive price.

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Our Specialities

Type Approval SDPPI Registration

Type Approval SDPPI registration is faster and easier with us. Only 6-7 weeks for laboratory testing and 3 days for document testing are required

Import Permits

We help you obtain import permits documents, which include inspection certificates, import licenses, and technical considerations

SNI Certificate Registration

We help you obtain SNI certification for your products that will be marketed in Indonesia

Our Excellence

Competent and Experienced

We have ten years of experience in type approval SDPPI registration, as well as a competent and experienced technical team in various device and software testing. We have all of the solutions to every problem that arises in the field.

Excellent Service

We are committed to giving high-quality and fast service, easy consultation, regular information updates, and assistance in laboratories. We have a spectrum analyzer to ensure that your product will be fit and proper before laboratory testing.

Best Solutions

We guarantee that your product will pass the test and receive the certificate in a timely manner. You will receive your SDPPI certificate registration one month sooner than usual.

Competitive Price

For product certification and import permits, we offer a competitive price and high-quality service. If you want to use our service, we are also open to competitive bidding.

We Could Handle The Following Devices

There are various device we handle for Type Approval SDPPI registration

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