SNI Certificate Registration
We assist you in making your SNI Certificate Registration simple and easy. We will handle all of the requirements in Indonesia, and all you have to do is wait for your company to be audited and receives the SNI certificate.
SNI (Indonesian National Standard) Certificate Registration
The only nationally recognized product standardization in Indonesia
Certification shows to the market that your products are government-approved, tested, and safe for customers. It can increase the market’s trust to use your product.
In Indonesia, there is only one product certification that applied nationaly. It is SNI (Indonesian National Standard). SNI is standardization for various product that produced by Indonesian society, either individualy or legal entitiy, and various imported product that will be marketed in Indonesia. SNI certificate is regulated by Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 34 tahun 2018 tentang Sistem Standarisasi dan Penilaian Kesesuaian Nasional.
There are many stakeholders involved in SNI certification process. SNI certificate issued by National Standardization Agency (BSN). The technical implementation for certification is carried out by Product Certification Agency (LSPro) that were accredited by National Accreditation Committee (KAN).
According to the Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 72/M-DAG/PER/9/2015, Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 72/M-DAG/PER/9/2015 there are more than 100 products that must to be SNI standarized before marketed and used in Indonesia. Following are the categories included in SNI certificate mandatory product.
Increasing legal product acknowledgement and public trust
SNI certification can increase a product’s credibility and market trust. Products with SNI certification are legally recognized and easier to market. Furthermore, SNI certification is a form of producer responsibility that ensures product quality and consumer safety.
An SNI certificate can protect consumers by providing a guarantee for quality products that have been tested for safety. Furthermore, SNI certification can make it easier and more convenient for consumers to obtain required products.
Requirements to Obtain SNI Certification
Producers and distributors who intend to register their products for SNI certification should have the following requirements ready:
The Main Rquirement:
- Copy of Company Notary Deed
- Copy of SIUP, TDP (Business Trade License, Certificate of Company Registration)
- Copy of NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number)
- Brand Registration Letter from DJKI (Directoral General of Intellectual Property) read more
- Letter of Delegation of Brand or cooperation between brand owners and brand users (if the brand is not your own)
- Organization chart approved by the chair
- Management representative appointment letter and their bio
- SPPT SNI (Product Certificate of SNI Mark User) application letter
- Importer Identification Number (if submitted by a non-producer)
- Copy of ISO 9001 quality management system certificate
Technical Document:
- Approved quality guidelines
- Production flow chart
- List of main production equipment
- List of main raw materials and production support
- List of inspection and testing equipment
- Copy of documents quality guidelines and quality procedures
SNI Application Flow
The procedure for producers and importers that want to register their products for SNI certification is as follows:
Producers and importers who will certificate their product need to verified the product standard first. It is to determine whether or not their product can receive accreditation. SNI Certification application is submitted to the Product Certification Agency. However, applicants must first ensure that the National Accreditation Committee has accredited the preferred Product Certification Agency.
The SPPT SNI (Product Certificate of SNI Mark User) Form must then be completed and submitted to the Product Certification Agency. The applicant must prepare a legalized copy of the ISO 9001 quality management system certificate at this stage. For import products need to prepare certificate from LSSM (Quality System Certification Agency) from the origin country that has an inauguration agreement with KAN (National Accreditation Committee).
The Product Certification Agency will then verify the application. The Product Certification Agency will verify a number of things, including audit area coverage and language proficiency. It will take a day to complete this verification process.
This step involves confirming that the manufacturer’s quality management system documents are complete and meet SNI requirements. In the event of a discrepancy, the applicant must revise within two months.
The Product Certification Agency representative will verify the venue of production and collect a test sample. The testing process will be held in accredited testing laboratory. Product testing is possible in the producer’s lab, but it is necessary to have some witnesses present. The producer must retest until it fits in the event of a discrepancy.
After the testing procedure is complete, the testing laboratory will issue the Test Result Certificate. The certification process can move on to the next step if the test results meet the specifications. But if not, one more test will be given. If the product still does not meet the specifications after the retest, the SNI application will be rejected.
The Product Certification Agency will make the certification decision at the audit and testing results meeting.
Before serving the SPPT SNI to the applicant, the Product Certification Agency will clarify the company or producer in question. The legality document, SNI provisions, production process, and quality management system are used to clarify. When all criteria are met, The Product Certification Agency will issue the applicant the SNI certificate.
The applicant who already has the SNI Certificate then registers the NPB (Item Product Number) with the Ministry of Trade of Republic Indonesia.
Service Commitment PT. Alpha Romeo Teknologi
The application process for an SNI certificate can take a long time and is quite difficult. This is due to the lengthy process and numerous testing activities, not to mention the possibility of testing failure.
Alpha Romeo Teknologi will assist you in achieving success and convenience in the SNI certificate application. We will assist you in handling all requirements and activities in Indonesia, and all you have to do is wait until your company is audited and a certificate is issued. We will provide you with the highest-quality service with the shortest lead time at a competitive price.
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